When I meet someone new, at a network function, toastmasters or any social occasion and we started chatting, inevitably the question always pops up, so what do you do? When I tell them that I am a Coach, some look back at me with a blank expression, as if to say what do you mean by that?
I usually follow it up by saying that I work with people like you in helping them find direction in life, focus on achieving specific goals and push them out of their comfort zone so they truly become whom they have always dreamed to be.
I love coaching...
For me being a Coach is more than a profession really, I love Coaching others and help them flourish from a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. I enjoy listening to their successes and know that I had a positive influence in them and as well am there to help them re-focus and reinforce their self believe and confidence if things don’t go their way straight away.
Before I embark on a Coaching relationship with a new client I schedule a consultation for us to talk. This consultation serves two purposes really. To see where exactly my client is at this moment in time and what his or hers biggest concerns, challenges and obstacles are, but it is also an opportunity to see if the two of us can work together successfully. If I am honest, the second purpose is the most important as if we are not compatible there is no point in us working together at all!
I believe in you...
You see, for me to work with you and help you re-ignite your life, I need to believe in you, I need to know that you are willing to put the effort in and have the commitment to go out there and “fight” for your goal.
Me and My Coach...
I too have a Coach, and she plays a big part on my success. She believes in me when no one else did, and she continuously pushes me to be who I want to be and break through my own self imposed boundaries. We all have these boundaries in place and as coaching progresses yours will become more and more minuscule and less important.
Caroline, my Coach, has been coaching me for 11 months now and she has saw me grow as a person and helped me steer myself to the success that I am experiencing today and will continue to experience in my life.
Why Am I Telling You All This?
Well I have some questions to ask you. If you could have your perfect life and everything be as you dreamed off, what would your perfect life be like? What do you really want to have in your life? What would make your life completely happy and truly rewarding?
Whatever your answers are one thing I can tell you with absolute certainty, everything that you dream off is possible. Everything that you want you can have in your life.
You can have it all...
You can have more love in your life and improve all your relationships. You can remove most of the stresses you experience now and get rid of addictions. You can start your own business, if that is what you want, and increase its revenue or you can finally have the job that you always wanted and create the lifestyle and financial freedom you desire.
You can get into the shape of your life and have a body that will stop traffic. In short you can have it all and a Coach can be the person that will help you get there! Off course like in all aspects of life and in all professions, you need to find the right Coach for you, and I’m afraid it isn’t one size fits all.
Which Coach?
Some coaches are specialists in one area and others on others. That is why it is imperative that when you do start looking for a Coach, you find the one that best meets your needs. You are unique, so your situation, requirements and needs will be unique as well. I have experienced great success with my clients in two specific areas, physical excellence and wellbeing and in mindset and confidence coaching.
My clients profiles...
My clients focusing on the physical excellence, are really focused in achieving the body of their dreams and have several now really getting their life under control to ensure the necessary focus, willpower and determination to ensure that their nutrition, training and mindset are tuned in for success. They are usually business men on their mid 30s, with a very busy lifestyle with an interest in training and now ready to finally have the body of their dreams.
My Re-Ignite Your Life clients are traditionally women, that have reached a crossroads in their lives and are in a quest to discover their true purpose in life and getting ready to pursue it finally. They usually busy Mums that have dedicated their lives to the wellbeing of their offspring and others and have managed to neglect themselves.
Even though the above are my “typical” clients, I do have clients on either area that don’t fit the typical profile, like I said we are all unique so it would be very difficult for all my clients to fit into a very specific profile.
So, are you really ready for Coaching?
If you are still reading this post then I assume that you are either interested or at least you are trying to find out a bit more about it all to satisfy your curiosity. Either way it is fine, really. What I am here to tell you is that you can completely and in some cases dramatically change your life.
I have done that myself, went from a high paid, high profile, highly stressful job to having the best job in the world, by changing some of my beliefs and values and manifesting into my life certain people and opportunities to make my life a truly happy and wonderful one... And there is still a lot more to come!!!
Don’t believe in all the negative people out there...
You can have it all. Don’t believe in the scare mongers out there and the people that constantly try to put you down or tell you to just accept what you have got! You deserve more, you deserve all that you ever wished, dreamed and desired!!
Take Action!
A very important part of Coaching and of achieving your goals is to take action. So go on, there is no time like the present. Send me a message with your details and what your goals and dreams are and I will honestly tell you if I am the right coach to help you. If I feel that I am not, fear not, I have an excellent group of Coach Friends, that cover different niches from mine and I will refer you to them.
You can have all you want and the easiest and more supportive way of doing it is with a coach! A coach will help you achieve all you want and at a greater speed and heightened focus than if you went on your own. A coach will keep you focus, motivated and on track for you to achieve your goals and finally have the life that you dreamed off and deserve!
I have a Coach and will have one forever!
I tell you one thing; I have a coach, and will continue to do so. Working with Caroline not only helped me focus on my business success, it also has helped me on my personal life a great deal. After 11 months of working together I have achieved a great deal, and after every single session I feel refreshed, re-invigorated and believing in me that little bit extra.
I believe in coaching wholeheartedly and also believe that we all, you included, need a coach in our life to finally succeed in the areas where you have failed previously. You can finally start living a great life, your great life, full of happiness, fun, freedom, health and wealth.
Are you going to Re-Ignite Your Life?
Getting a coach did change my life and I am confident that I can help you change your life as well! I can help you Re-Ignite Your Life! Don’t waste another minute and get in touch.
Have a brilliant day.
Speak soon,
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