I’m sure you have heard all about the Law of Attraction in the last few years, probably because you have seen, or heard about, the movie “The Secret” or maybe from blogs, or other publications, like mine. So today I thought I would discuss and present the Law of Attraction to you. As a lot can be said about it I have decided to do three different posts about it.
Part 1, I will discuss what the LOA (Law of Attraction) is. In part 2 I will discuss the bit about the LOA that wasn’t mentioned in the movie “The Secret” that might be the most important teaching of all! Finally Part 3 is how to apply the LOA in your life! So do stick around and as usual, feel free to add your comments below on this and any other subjects.
What is the Law of Attraction?
There are many definitions of the Law of Attraction out there, as each person can interpret it in their own way, I wouldn’t they, in the end of the day we are all individuals. So this is my own personal definition of it, based in many concepts and in by no means this is the final and only definition of it.
My definition of the Law of Attraction
“Whatever you desire and want for your life, you can get it all from the Universe if you really want it, believe it, ask for it and act on it!”
Other Definitions
A more simplistic approach to it as been widely coined as “What you are you become” or “What you desire you attract”. One of my favourite quotes comes from Wayne Dyer “I’ll see it when I believe it!”. In complete contrast to the traditional quote “I’ll believe it when I see it” but for Wayne in order for you to be able to see something in front of you, you need to really believe in it first!
Before “The Secret” made the LOA widely popular, a lot of other people were already talking about it and even taught the Law of Attraction at seminars and workshops. In fact every teaching and works of all the most popular self development people out there has foundations on the LOA.
One of my favourite authors, Napoleon Hill, wrote in his best seller book, “Think and Grow Rich” that we need to control our own thoughts in order to achieve success in our life. He never actually mentions the Law of Attraction directly, but many feel, me included, that the secret he mentions in every single chapter of the book is indeed the Law of Attraction. By the way if you never read it, I highly recommend it as it is an excellent and fascinating read.
Positive thoughts, Positive Outcomes
Basically by you being in control of your thoughts and having positive thoughts about your life and what you want from it, you will attract all that into your life. If you continue having negative thoughts then that is what will come into life instead. This is something that many people have trouble with as it is not very easy to always think positive and is a item that has gotten much criticism as well.
Criticism of the LOA teachings
The critics state that, if something negative happens in your life, and you follow the Law of Attraction, then you will blame yourself for it, and, again according to critics, sometimes it wasn’t your fault at all. Off course if we start blaming ourselves because there is traffic in the motorway because of an accident and we end up late for a meeting then is illogical that we would blame ourselves for that.
Who is responsible?
On the other hand if you having problems at work with your boss, for example, is it illogical to assume that some of those issues might have stemmed from some of your actions and if you improve your actions things will be better all round? All of this is open to debate and my post today is not about making you believe or not in the Law of Attraction. It is simply to let you know a bit more about what it is.
In summary the Law of Attraction states:
1. Know what you want.
2. Ask for it.
3. Visualise that you have it already.
4. Receive, be grateful and detach yourself from the outcome.
In part two of the Law of Attraction posts I shall uncover the most important step of the Law of Attraction that the movie “The Secret” hasn’t discussed and led to some of the high profile self development gurus to ask to be removed from the final cut of the movie.
Until then, have a brilliant day!
Speak soon,
4 years ago
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