Monday, 13 July 2009

Law of Attraction - Part 2

On my previous post we discussed the Law of Attraction and what it meant and how was interpreted. If you missed it head over here to read it –

Today we are going to talk about the missing ingredient of the Law of Attraction that makes all the difference in how to apply it and to make it work for you. The movie “The Secret” did a really good job in opening up the law of attraction to the World out there, but, unfortunately neglected to mention one very important and crucial part of it.

Many people are now applying the Law of Attraction in their daily lives, unfortunately most seem to fail to get the results desired. How do I know this? Well the main question that I seem to be getting from friends and clients, and indeed one of the main questions floating around the internet is “How long to I have to wait for the results to manifest?”.

That question poses two problems.

The first one is the fact that if you are indeed asking that, then your belief regarding the actual success of your “request” is weak to say the least, and that you believe that actually getting your desires is not dependent on you but on some external sources. And secondly, perhaps most importantly, you failed to really understand the Law of Attraction.

See when you ask when the results appear

It means that you haven’t done anything about getting those results. The missing ingredient that wasn’t mentioned or taught in The Secret is Action! You need to take action. That is the only way the Law of Attraction can work for you. If you want a new better paid job, then you need to start searching for one and apply for the ones you would like to have. If you want a new girlfriend you will not find her in your empty living room whilst you are sat doing nothing.

Basically no-one has become successful in any of their endeavours by being a lazy lay about doing nothing. They took action and they went after what they wanted. You need to take action. It might take one day, it might take one year, who knows, but the sooner you take action the sooner you will get your desires!

Going back to the Law of Attraction summary from last time and adding in the missing component this is what the Law of Attraction should look like:

1. Know what you want.

2. Ask for it.

3. Visualise that you have it already.

4. Take Action - Most important step!!

5. Receive, be grateful and detach yourself from the outcome.

Well, that is it for today. Next time I will go into more detail on how to apply the law of attraction in your life to get the best results for your goals.

Have a brilliant day

Speak soon,


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