If you recall, a while back I ask if you had already found your life's purpose. This came from my own realisation at that time that I had not found it yet. If you can't recall go over here to check it What is your life's purpose?.
I just started working on a new product and whilst breaking down the work I need to do to make the product a reality, remembered that I had never posted, as promised, my own life's purpose.
So without further ado, here it is for all to see.
My Life's Purpose
I Paulo Duarte, hereby declare before others and, more importantly, before myself, that my life purpose is to be:
- Always true to myself and others no matter how difficult, hard and painful it might be
- Someone that makes a positive difference in every person I encounter in life
- A caring, supportive and challenging friend
- Grateful for all I have and for all those around me
- The best I can be and never accept second best
- A successful and profitable Entrepreneur & Businessman
By doing:
- Studying and continuously learning about the human being and their interactions with others
- Learning about the way the physical body works. Always striving to find the best training and nutritional practices to best develop the human body to excellence!
- Helping and empowering others to learn and grow to be the best they can be
- Study the mindset and how best to use it for our own benefit to achieve all our goals
- Creating a Physical Excellence Transformation Center where Body and Mind work together towards the same goal, making dreams reality!
- Contributing with money and time to help others achieve their own success
So that in the future I may have:
- A happy, fulfilled and enjoyable life
- A beautiful, caring and supporting woman by my side that loves me and wants to be with me because of who I am, rather than what I have!
- Social recognition for all I done and am doing to help others improve themselves
- Financial rewards to allow me to make my dream life a Reality!
- Enough money to help others and be charitable and grateful for all!
Paulo Duarte
As usual I would welcome your comments on this and on your own life's purpose. If you need help or direction of finding your life's purpose get in touch.
4 years ago
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