Tuesday, 21 April 2009

So you want to lose weight?!?!

You have made the decision to lose weight, and as such you started to evaluate your options, on how to spend your hard earned cash and what to do. And there it was the answer...

A Fat Burning Magic Pill

You will go and buy this new wonder pill that is coming in the UK market tomorrow, you will take it as prescribed and as magic you will lose all the weight! Fantastic solution for minimum effort, it is truly wonderful is it not?

And then suddenly...

You woke up, and realised that all was just a dream, or better yet a nightmare! Sorry to sound sarcastic, but if you are hoping that a magic wonder pill will make you shed all the fat you have with no effort then, my friend you are sadly mistaken.

From what I read and heard on the news, this new magic pill, as every single one out there in the market, is recommended as part of a calorie controlled diet and exercise so it to maximise the results.

Also it works by making part of the food bypass your system completely, thus not absorbing part of the fats you eat (together with proteins and carbs as well). So is this what you want to rely on? Is this the solution that you are going to go for and part with your money?

Is this really it?

Well I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but I don't think so. The key to losing fat and keeping it off is not a magic pill but some hard work and controlling what you put in your mouth, together with a motivated mindset to achieve your goal.

I am afraid that drugs don't work...

By all means spend your money and rely on the drugs to get you there, or put some effort and hard graft into it, work out with weights, do interval training and control your diet. That will get you there, it might take awhile but once there you will look and feel much better! Use the money you would spend on these drugs on a personal trainer, a coach, or even a nutritionist.

These professionals will help you!

They will help you more than these drugs and what they will teach you and show you will be there long after this latest magic pill disappears from the mainstream media. If you are looking for nutritional help I highly recommend the revolutionary Eat Stop Eat Programme.

If you need help with training to burn fat efficiently a programme that highly recommend is Craig Ballantyne Turbulence Training with even a bodyweight only selection of exercises if you don't want to use weights from the onset.

There are many options out there

And most or all, are better and more long lasting than magic wonder pills like this last one. Your choice, your life, your money... Your decision!

1 comment:

pnw fitness said...

Nice post Paulo. Longer response posted here: