Tuesday, 7 April 2009

A different post today - Effects of Stress

My sister called me on Sunday...

My Father had had another mild heart problem on Friday and was now in hospital. They have decided that now is the time to have a triple heart bypass, as the heart is still strong enough to cope with surgery, instead of waiting until he as another episode.

Luckily this time was a mild one..

But it was a warning nonetheless. Ever since my Dad had his first heart attack that I have always been aware of the possible causes of it and how you should do your utmost to avoid them.

With my Father the main cause of his condition was stress.

Yes he was slightly overweight when it first happened, but we wasn't one for excesses, like all traditional Portuguese men, he had his glass (or two) of wine at dinner, and our food is slightly on the heavy side, but we knew it was stress.

His stress levels were sky high...

Was working a "normal" 9 to 5 job in a Directorial position and 3 evenings a week he used to teach at a Secondary school. Teaching was his passion, still is, and he couldn't give it up. His relationship with my Mum wasn't the best as well, and they end up divorcing shortly after I came to England.

I remember the day

Of his first heart attack. It was one of the rare evenings that he was actually at home. My Mum and my Sister weren't home for some reason that night and he started feeling bad, pins and needles in his left arm as well as numbing sensation and find it difficult to breathe. I called the ambulance and off he went to the hospital.

Weirdly enough

At the time it was the best thing that happened to him. He left his 9 to 5 job, changed his diet completely, started doing regular mild exercise and looked like he was into a full recovery.

Whenever he got into a stressful situation

Things got worse. Since that first one back in 1992 he still had another two mild ones and now this one, makes it three. He had slipped back into a more "letting go" type of lifestyle and this might be his wake up call, probably is final one.

On a final note...

Thankfully he is in good hands and everything will be ok in a few days/ weeks time, but the main message here to remember is to do your utmost to remove all the possible causes from your life...

Change your life around if it needs to

Do some exercise, eat healthly, don't drink alcohol excessively, if your job is too stressful get a new one, if that is not possible, make sure you have coping techniques to release that stress, enjoy your relationships and tell people you love about your issues and don't keep things back...

You only have one life, so make the most of it!!!!


pnw fitness said...

Good reminder post Paulo.

Best wishes to you and your Dad.

Paulo said...

Thanks mate!