Tuesday, 21 April 2009
So you want to lose weight?!?!
A Fat Burning Magic Pill
You will go and buy this new wonder pill that is coming in the UK market tomorrow, you will take it as prescribed and as magic you will lose all the weight! Fantastic solution for minimum effort, it is truly wonderful is it not?
And then suddenly...
You woke up, and realised that all was just a dream, or better yet a nightmare! Sorry to sound sarcastic, but if you are hoping that a magic wonder pill will make you shed all the fat you have with no effort then, my friend you are sadly mistaken.
From what I read and heard on the news, this new magic pill, as every single one out there in the market, is recommended as part of a calorie controlled diet and exercise so it to maximise the results.
Also it works by making part of the food bypass your system completely, thus not absorbing part of the fats you eat (together with proteins and carbs as well). So is this what you want to rely on? Is this the solution that you are going to go for and part with your money?
Is this really it?
Well I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but I don't think so. The key to losing fat and keeping it off is not a magic pill but some hard work and controlling what you put in your mouth, together with a motivated mindset to achieve your goal.
I am afraid that drugs don't work...
By all means spend your money and rely on the drugs to get you there, or put some effort and hard graft into it, work out with weights, do interval training and control your diet. That will get you there, it might take awhile but once there you will look and feel much better! Use the money you would spend on these drugs on a personal trainer, a coach, or even a nutritionist.
These professionals will help you!
They will help you more than these drugs and what they will teach you and show you will be there long after this latest magic pill disappears from the mainstream media. If you are looking for nutritional help I highly recommend the revolutionary Eat Stop Eat Programme.
If you need help with training to burn fat efficiently a programme that highly recommend is Craig Ballantyne Turbulence Training with even a bodyweight only selection of exercises if you don't want to use weights from the onset.
There are many options out there
And most or all, are better and more long lasting than magic wonder pills like this last one. Your choice, your life, your money... Your decision!
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
A different post today - Effects of Stress
My Father had had another mild heart problem on Friday and was now in hospital. They have decided that now is the time to have a triple heart bypass, as the heart is still strong enough to cope with surgery, instead of waiting until he as another episode.
Luckily this time was a mild one...
But it was a warning nonetheless. Ever since my Dad had his first heart attack that I have always been aware of the possible causes of it and how you should do your utmost to avoid them.
With my Father the main cause of his condition was stress.
Yes he was slightly overweight when it first happened, but we wasn't one for excesses, like all traditional Portuguese men, he had his glass (or two) of wine at dinner, and our food is slightly on the heavy side, but we knew it was stress.
His stress levels were sky high...
Was working a "normal" 9 to 5 job in a Directorial position and 3 evenings a week he used to teach at a Secondary school. Teaching was his passion, still is, and he couldn't give it up. His relationship with my Mum wasn't the best as well, and they end up divorcing shortly after I came to England.
I remember the day
Of his first heart attack. It was one of the rare evenings that he was actually at home. My Mum and my Sister weren't home for some reason that night and he started feeling bad, pins and needles in his left arm as well as numbing sensation and find it difficult to breathe. I called the ambulance and off he went to the hospital.
Weirdly enough
At the time it was the best thing that happened to him. He left his 9 to 5 job, changed his diet completely, started doing regular mild exercise and looked like he was into a full recovery.
Whenever he got into a stressful situation
Things got worse. Since that first one back in 1992 he still had another two mild ones and now this one, makes it three. He had slipped back into a more "letting go" type of lifestyle and this might be his wake up call, probably is final one.
On a final note...
Thankfully he is in good hands and everything will be ok in a few days/ weeks time, but the main message here to remember is to do your utmost to remove all the possible causes from your life...
Change your life around if it needs to
Do some exercise, eat healthly, don't drink alcohol excessively, if your job is too stressful get a new one, if that is not possible, make sure you have coping techniques to release that stress, enjoy your relationships and tell people you love about your issues and don't keep things back...
You only have one life, so make the most of it!!!!
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
5 Key Factors That Helped me Lose Weight
12th September 1992, that is the day my life changed! I took the decision to come to England to study, and that was the day I arrived here. After almost 17 years, I am delighted that I took that decision, still living in England and am very happy. But that is not the reason why I am writing this piece today.
Today I am going to tell you about another day...
Another day that radically changed my life, the day that after many months of being called fat, chubby or “Sancho” (my nickname from my housemates as per Sancho Panca, D.Quixote’s loyal servant) I decided to join a gym.
But, this was a different gym...
This gym on the surface looked like any other commercial gym. Had cardio machines, weight machines, a small free weights area, sauna, etc, but there was a big difference, the trainers there were people that loved training and loved to help training others.
And the transformation begun...
Under the guidance, you can even call it mentorship, of Paul, the main trainer there, I managed to lose around 4 stone in weight, my jeans size went down from Size 40 jeans to size 34, my self confidence sky rocketed to levels that I never had felt possible and life was great, and all in 9 months!
For the first time in my life...
I felt absolutely fantastic! After over 8 or so years of being a chubby kid and not feeling comfortable in my own body, I felt great. I would go to the shops and be able to buy normal sizes. I finally would go out at night and be super confident with the ladies as well!
So, how come this change occurred?
Well looking back I truly believe that there were 5 key factors why this happened and I know if these weren’t in place at the time my story would have been very different.
1. Social Support
First and foremost, if it wasn’t for my housemate Luis, I would have never taken the plunge to actually go to the gym. He was a regular gym goer back home in Portugal and he wanted a partner to go to the gym. He became my main “source” of social support, giving me encouraging words and “pushing” me to go to the gym when I didn’t felt like it!
I became accountable...
Having him there made me accountable not only to him as my gym partner but also to myself! Even though I was the only one that was capable of changing my body, having someone there to keep me in check helped me in achieving my goal ten times faster.
2. Guidance
As soon as I joined the gym, Paul was assigned as my trainer. Paul took all my measurements, weighted me, and more importantly, asked me questions about my lifestyle, my nutrition, my physical activity and pretty much every aspect he felt influenced my situation at the time.
After our first session he designed a training plan that we reviewed every 6 to 8 weeks to make any necessary adjustments, always taking in consideration my end goal!
My very first goal...
That was the very first time I set a goal with some “meat” in it. It wasn’t a goal “just because I want to”. He actually asked me what were the benefits I saw of living on that goal, and why I wanted it so much. I am not ashamed to admit it that girls featured highly on the whys J!
Set goals for what you want to achieve and it will make it much easier for you to achieve it!
3. Nutrition
With his help I started a food journal. For one week he asked me not to change my diet and just write down every little thing I ate during the day. At the end of that week we sat down and went through it all.
Blimey that was “eyes opening stuff”...
I was amazed, to say the least, at the amount of, at a lack of a better word, crap that I was consuming in a daily basis. Not only the quantity but also the quality of my food was deplorable, even though I cooked every night, during the day at Uni I would have pizzas or burgers from the student union bar or bean and beef stews from the Caribbean Center in town.
I changed all that...
From that point onwards I started to have a lot of salads and grilled meat or fish, at night. I would prepare my lunch to take to college, which would be home-made sandwiches or salads and fruit. Reduced the consumption of pastas, potatoes and rice and started having a proper breakfast with eggs and toast instead of coffee and air!
Learning “how to eat” was one of my biggest lessons!
Take notice of what you put in your body, make changes to natural foods and start having a balanced diet.
4. Mindset
Once I made the decision to change and go to the gym, I was half way there to success, I realised what I wanted to achieve and how I could achieved it. I stopped making excuses to why I couldn’t do it and put a plan of action in place and followed it.
I felt empowered...
And every time I had a off day I would re-focus on why I wanted to change and how much I had achieved by all the small changes that I made into my life that I knew then that I would never be “chubby” again.
5. Journal
I started a journal, at the time on a notebook. Every month I would weight myself. Every other week would take measurements. I would keep track of the bad foods I ate over the weeks. I knew how much I could lift at all the various exercises and which exercises I was doing at any particular time.
By keeping track...
Of all the variables in my life I was always able to know what was working or, more importantly, not working so I could change and adjust to achieve my goal. It was also a great motivation tool to see how much I had improved in such a small period of time!
Until today I had never realized
I had never realized that way back then in 1992 I already knew the secret to change and to achieve my dream body, and the factors that helped me lose weight then are the same factors that can help anyone achieve their goals, whatever they are!
Remember them and you are on your way:
- Doing it on your own is possible but harder than doing it with someone else. Whoever they are, your best friend, your partner, a personal trainer or a coach, will help you get there faster!
- Set goals for what you want to achieve and it will make it much easier for you to achieve it!
- Take notice of what you put in your body, make changes to natural foods and start having a balanced diet.
- Once you decide you are ready to change, and start taking action, you are half way there to success.
- Keep an updated journal to keep track of your progress and to motivate you to achieve your goal!
Hope this post was of some assistance to you in your quest to achieve your goals.
All the best,