I have always been fascinated by eyes! It is one of the first things I check when I meet someone new. Not only because of how insanely beautiful eyes are but also because I truly believe you can learn a lot by looking at someone’s eyes and into their eyes...
"Eyes never lie"
No matter how much you try, your eyes will never lie and sometimes will betray what your mouth or your actions are saying. When you look into someone's eyes directly you can see so much more than it can be said or expressed in words...
I bet it happened to you...
You look at someone’s eyes, maybe your partner, and immediately you know what they are thinking or feeling at that time. Even recently, my ex girlfriend, told me that when she kissed me she could see in my eyes how much I loved her...
Your emotions “shine” through your eyes...
Whatever you are feeling, even if you hide it physically, there is no way that you can hide it in your eyes. You can see when someone is happy and their eyes are positively smiling or when someone is miserable and it seems like their eyes are dead...
Even Scientists agree...
In a recent 2007 study, a psychology student from the Örebro University in Sweden linked iris patterns to personality traits. He photographed 428 volunteers' eyes and did a standard personality test to the volunteers.
After studying the lines radiating from the pupil (crypts) and the circular lines curving around the outer edge of the iris (furrows) he found that a low frequency of crypts was associated with tender-mindedness . warmth, trust and positive emotions, whereas more distinct and extended furrows were associated with impulsiveness.
Flirting eyes...
Eyes are also a very powerful “tool” in body language to interact with others. Flirting is one of the most used ways to attract someone of the opposite sex and your eyes play a big part on this.Women, in general, know how powerful a flirtatious look with a sensual smile can be in getting men's interest. Men in general although not as versed in flirting, off course there are exceptions, do select their partners in part due to her eyes...
Eyes & offspring’s...
You see, even if you are not planning in having kids, or more kids, when “searching” for a partner, subconsciously the selection is still based in that primordial need of procreation. And bright, white areas in a woman's eyes plus long, thick eye lashes are excellent indicators of female good health, thus they are more likely to have healthy offspring.
Flirt away and show off those beautiful eyes and long eye lashes, but be warned that you can give a lot more away than you probably want to as your eyes are really the window to your soul!
If I am staring at your eyes...
So if I meet you for the first time and am staring at your eyes, yes I am admiring how beautiful they are but I am also admiring your soul...
Have a brilliant day,
Speak soon,
Paulo x
1 comment:
I believe in emotions through the eyes
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