Monday, 9 March 2009

Buying a car...

I have never thought that buying a car was this difficult. Well it isn't difficult really! I am making it more difficult as I feel this invisible pull stopping me from buying a car. I thought that I was just being wary because you have to be careful what you buy so you don't get a car with a dodgy past or worst yet a dangerous car.

It is more than that and I can't quite explain it.

The only real reason I require a car for is to go to the gym. I miss going to the gym and even though I have a leisure centre nearby, they don't allow walk ins until you do a induction. Decided against it.

Searching for cars in the internet, is a catch 22 situation. You see a car you like, you want to go and see it, but you dont have a car to get there so an alternative plan has to be hatched up to go with a friend.

A thought occurred to me just now when speaking to my friend Eddie on the phone. He was telling me about his last few days and how happy he was whilst he was walking to go to his gym. He lives in the outskirts of London, and he doesn't have a car and despite this he still does what he needs to do.

When I was a student, I didn't had a car and despite this I still managed to do all that I wanted to do. Walking was my chosen mode of transportation when that wasn't possible I would take the bus or train. All these days without a car I only had the need to go somewhere once and I took the bus, and that wasn't bad at all.

Public transportation might be a temporary solution to take in consideration. I created this belief around not taking buses or trains, and in fact it is a perfect acceptable solution to ones situation.

Going to do another search on the good old google to look for bus connections between my place and the gym as well as cost for bus pass. Its good to talk and keep your mind open to all possibilities!

I will keep you posted on my decision :-)

Until we speak again,


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