Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Goal Setting

It is that time of the year again. The time where we start planning our New Year resolutions. The time when we what we want to change about our life. But why do we wait for this date to arrive to make changes? Why do we choose the 1st of January as the starting point for these big changes? Any date in the year can be used for a massive change or for a goal to be set, so why the 1st of January?

Well, traditionally we choose the new year to do it as it symbolizes the start of something new. "Out with the old and in with the new!". To be honest it doesn't really matter when you decide to make the change or when the actual date is. What really matters is that you made the decision that you wanted to make that change.

So, you have decided to make a new year resolution. What are new year resolutions? Resolutions are "nothing" more than decisions you have made towards part or parts of your life where you want to make a change. Usually at this time of the year we tend to make "dramatic" decisions, like losing weight, stop smoking or finding a new job. Whatever the resolution it will be a life changing decision and it will be extremely important to the person making that decision.

New year resolutions are then life changing decisions, goals we set ourselves for the year ahead, goals we genuinely want to achieve and we commit ourselves to get.

So the big question is, if we really want to achieve these goals, these new year resolutions, how come we generally fail at them? How come, when we get to the beginning of February, we haven't managed to stop smoking or lose any weight or any of the goals?

Well, I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but the majority of the goals you set yourself are unsuccessful because of... Y
OU!!! I could "fluffy" it or "sugar coat" it but I would not be doing my job properly if I did it. No, the reason we fail our goals is because of us no one else!

How come we fail to achieve or implement our new year resolutions then? If we really want these goals, if they are really going to make a difference in our life, if we are really going to benefit from these changes how come we fail to achieve them? Because 9 times out of 10 we set ourselves to failure at the very beginning, when we actually set them up!

The key to achieve change and get your goals is to set fantastic goals in the first place. You have to make these goals really desirable and ensure you really want them. Don't set yourself goals just because your partner, kids or parents think you should have. Don't make half hearted goals about something you really are not 100% committed to.

The key to achieve your goals is to really want to achieve these goals, they have to be goals that makes you get up in the morning and know that you really want them. This goal has to be completely dependent on you, no one else, you need to own the goal. By owning the goal, you and you alone is accountable for that goal success.

A goal must be clearly defined, with a start, middle and end. You also need to want to get it. It has to be something that inspires you, something that makes you want to get out of bed in the morning, something that will really make a difference for the better in your life. By ensuring to follow these guidelines as well as a few others and you are in the path to success.

And this is another area where I can help. The very first session you take with me, we will work together to set up some fantastic goals for you. They will be all about you and what makes you tick. We will take a snapshot of the present and look towards the future to set your goals. And to set you on your way and as it is the season of good will, I am offering throughout January a complimentary free first session.

What have you got to lose? If you are interested in a free of charge first session, either face to face or via skype, just drop me a line on reigniteyourlife@googlemail.com with a contact number and we will discuss it further.

Happy new year to all of you!

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